Happy Birthday 2 You (Sold Out)

Professional magicians are often booked to perform for birthday parties, and even more chances to perform birthday theme magic if you work as a house magician for bar and restaurant. Many birthday theme effects and routines have been devised, however, Happy Birthday 2 You is arguably the best birthday theme card trick to date.
No birthday is complete without a birthday card, so why not make a magical one?
Inspired by Jay Sankey’s marketed item Inseparable, our chief creative director Zenneth Kok has come up with a perfect answer for this question- Happy Birthday 2 You, it allows you to transform a signed playing card into a real birthday card!
Multiple handlings were developed, however, for the simplest version, it virtually takes no more than one sleight to accomplish the trick. If you can do Hindu shuffle then you will be able to perform it!
Practical, commercial, paid show audience tested, Happy Birthday 2 You is a real gem for professional workers.
Included in the package:
- 20 Specially printed “Happy Birthday 2 You” cards
- 20 sets of “Prediction” and “will choose 2 of Diamonds” sticker
- Enough for 20 performances
- Web address for over 30 mins of online instructional videos
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